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Its been 6 months since leaving the U.S. and it’s been quite an adventure. I have now been to Guatemala, Romania, Albania, Italy, and am currently in Turkey.

We just finished our second full debrief in Instanbul, Turkey. Debrief is the time when the whole squad of 27 gets together to worship, listen to biblical teachings from our leadership, rest, and of course debrief about our time in the previous ministries that we were involved in. They normally take place in a hostel in one of the major cities of the country and are filled with lots of godly conversations and lots of worship.

This last debrief was in a hostel that was also a bar, restaurant, and a club, which was interesting. We were blessed that the club was only open on the weekends and not every night. Though because of the night life of Instanbul, it was difficult for many on the squad to get some rest, but that didn’t stop us from worshipping the Lord every morning and night at the top floor of the bar.

Everytime we get together we always give praise and worship to the one true God, Jesus Christ. And it was honestly really cool that we were able to give Him praise on the 5th floor with the windows open to the restaurants around singing, shouting, and clapping. The bartender sure was curious about all the ruckus we were making. They do have karaoke equipment for people to use there. We never used it, though I’m not sure we needed it. I pray the Lord amplified our voices to those that needed to hear it, so that they may know we live in harmony, giving glory in one voice to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom 15:5-6).


I also want to give a huge thank you to all my supporters! I am now fully funded thanks to all of you! Thank you so much.

2 responses to “With One Voice”

  1. I hope we left the %100 music staff with so many questions and pebbles. I love that you love how His praises fell like a blanket from our little bird’s nest. I also remember praying at the beginning of our time in Guatemala God would show up in a mighty way through fundraising and it’s so encouraging being reminded how faithful He is regardless of the timelines we build in our minds. Keep sharing Elias, I know He has blessed you with so much to share! I’m proud of you and I’m always here to fight for you brother!

  2. Elijah! What a memorable time debrief was!! I’m so grateful and honestly mind-blown that we could worship the One True Living God in the middle of Istanbul, surrounded by heavy metal bars, pop music, and night life. What a testimony that we’ve been changed and TRANSFORMED by Jesus and want nothing less than to devote our lives to him. He’s better than anything, and our lives were a testimony to those who witnessed our worship and devotion to him that week. AMEN! I’m so proud of you and so grateful to know you!! Thanks for living in a manner worthy of the calling!