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In my beginning years of college, I had a strong desire to go on a mission trip. Why? I don’t quite know. I just had a strong desire to go. I knew that my Christian University offered mission trips every year, so I went to a missions meeting to find out more. And one of the trips really stuck out to me. It was to go help in a refugee camp in Lesvos, Greece, where thousands of people are fleeing their home countries because of war. When I heard about this, it really touched my heart to go. So, I signed myself up and went with a team of 13. On that trip to Lesvos, Greece, I was given the opportunity to feed the hungry, clothe the needy, and so much more. It was by no means easy work. There were times I had to carry heavy pallets on my back, up steep hills, to provide a nicer platform for refugees to sleep on. Or, I had to calm down refugees from creating conflict with one another (it was camp filled with multiple nationalities, many of which did not get along). The Lord was definitely calling me to be a peacemaker during that time. But despite the difficulties, I wanted to stay. However, I knew that I had to go back and finish my studies.

It has been 4 years now and I am now graduated with my M.Div. ready to serve the Lord wherever His Spirit leads me. Since that trip up till now, I can say with confidence that I have been hungering to serve God overseas long-term. I want to help others that are suffering and in need, to go and serve as Christ served where the needs are greatest. I know that can look different in many ways, so I prayed and sought God’s guidance and eventually came across something called the World Race. 

This World Race is an 11 month trip around the world where I serve God and His people in a variety of ways through a variety of ministries. The purpose of the World Race is to help guide the individual that goes into a year devoted solely to the Lord in obedient service to Him – to experience and grow in God, to love people and serve the world’s needs, to make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:18), learning how to come together and be the church, and to discover one’s God-given identity in Christ. On this 11 month journey of backpacking 6 different countries, I will be with a group of 35 serving the Lord in Guatemala, Romania, Albania, Kosovo, Jordan, and Thailand. 

By His Spirit, I will go and do the Lord’s work sharing the gospel everywhere I go. I hope and pray that God will do amazing things on this trip, and I hope to be able to share them with all of you all along the way! 

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